Transparency is more than an added value!

In IVM – Ibiza villa maintenance – we are consistent with our words, and that’s why we place special emphasis on being transparent. It provides an extra sense of peace of mind for the villa owner. We offer a dedicated account within our system, with a unique login profile, granting access to your reservation calendar, which is continuously updated. This way, you can easily view both confirmed bookings and available dates, allowing you to calculate your income based on your calendar’s reservations.

Owner Control

At IVM – Ibiza Villa Maintenance – we always have you in mind and we know that feeling in control of something enhances the security of its owner. We handle all tasks related to your property rental, including reservations. However, we believe you need to have ultimate control over your property. That’s why, from your private profile, you can make changes to these reservations without having to get in touch with us.
Imagine that you want to enjoy your villa, take a few days off with your family, friends, or even some alone time. Or maybe you want to carry out renovations, maintenance work, or simply redecorate the property. Well, it’s as easy as accessing your private account and blocking the specific days you need on the available calendar. This way, you can update it and avoid any potential double bookings. The days marked by the owner are automatically and instantly added to the main calendar of the property manager, allowing us to see each of the changes made by the owner. Enjoy the convenience of complete control and seamless coordination with IVM – Ibiza Villa Maintenance!
By offering this option, not only do we empower you as the owner, but we also benefit from time savings by not having to mediate for these tasks. At IVM, we recognize that information is also power. To keep our clients informed on a day-to-day basis and save them that precious time we mentioned earlier, we have set up a series of SMS and email alerts. Whenever your villa gets booked, you will be informed through these automated channels. Of course, receiving these messages is entirely optional and can be chosen by the owner according to their preference.

IVM y la Claridad de su Información son un valor más!

Following our commitment to transparency, at IVM, we provide clear and straightforward information to our clients regarding all payments they will receive from renting out their villa. From the personal area of each client on our platform, they can easily download documents detailing their income, villa occupancy, arrival details, length of stay, and much more. This empowers our clients to have better control over the business aspects of their property with complete clarity.
At IVM, we always emphasize the importance of VALUE, and that includes not forgetting the value of each tourist and guest. Being a 5-star host is easy when you pay attention to guest reviews. Positive guest reviews contribute to your business and lead to improved results year after year. Furthermore, these reviews become a direct recommendation for future guests, as they guide and influence others in their decision-making process.